Monday, June 25, 2012

Tropical storm

Working in a tropical storm gives you a new appreciation for the term "soaking wet".  It rained non stop for about 36 hrs.  Of course that doesn't stop us from taking care of the cats.  While cleaning enclosures yesterday morning it felt as though someone was dumping buckets of water over my head.  The cats were hiding from the storm as best as possible.  When we clean we must make sure we locate the cats.  This can be tricky when its dark out and they are hiding in a den.  So with flashlights we made sure to find them all.  This morning the rain has stopped and it allowed us all a break.  There are lots of branches that came down, and cleaning that up was our morning task. But first every volunteer and intern was searching every enclosure to find our cats and make sure none were harmed in the night.  This was much easier than yesterday.  Almost every cat came out to say hello this morning.  The cats in the sections I am responsible for all came to the fence to greet me.  I think they also wanted to chat about the crazy storm, or at least that is what I assume they are saying.  They seemed to be as happy to see me as I was to see them. My fingers are crossed, hoping that there will be no more rain.  The weather channel says there is a 90% chance of more rain this afternoon.  My house also flooded last night.  I shared this with the cats so they would know I feel their pain.Thankfully I do have the day off, I have lots of small rugs and loads of towels to wash and dry.  If we get more rain I have nothing left that is dry and can absorb more water!!!

This is the field behind my house.  This is also the back of the sanctuary.  It is usually a grassy field but is now a pond where the ducks can swim.  If we get more rain it will be deep enough for me to swim in!

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